SpiritualitySpirituality is the process of personal transformation that either be caused by a religious ideal, a subjective experience or a psychological growth within an individual. To put more simply its almost like any kind of meaningful activity or a unique/blissful experience. Now whether you follow a religion or not...or even believe that there is a God, one thing that cannot be ignored is that spirituality is real. It would seem apparent that over the years there has been a huge disconnect between spirituality and religion or even God confusingly, all of which is attributed to in part to secularism. One has to wonder what are the effects of such confusion, it is almost like seeing the effects of inflation within an economy, does the dollar have more value or does it lose value. Ones spirit is vital for existence, the norm in today's' society is to increase physical and mental health but spiritual health is looked over or becomes a touchy personal subject nobody wants direction in. Our mental, physical and spiritual elements serve as major proponents in human nature and survival. Which is why in this page you will find notions and perspective from unique individuals on what it means to have a spiritual experience, and things you can do to have your own.